Whole Wheat French Toast with Pineapple Syrup and Caramelized Apple

This is a simple-to-make hearty and flavorful breakfast, and it also happens to be my son's favorite (somewhat of a Saturday morning tradition). French toast can be made in any number of ways, but the key to a really good one is great bread and flavorful syrup...of course the syrup can be purchased but it is just as easy to make it at home in about 5 minutes. And to make homemade syrup is as simple as boiling fruit juice (I used pineapple juice toady, but any juice will do) until enough moisture evaporates and it becomes syrupy and the flavors are concentrated...this, after all, is how the maple syrup companies do it, but only on a large scale. Sometimes (often) I'll "boost" the syrup's sweetness with a tablespoon of sugar or honey; today I added sugar. While most of us recognize this recipe as French Toast (likely because of the custard the bread is soaked in), if you are a true Francophile you may know this as pain purdu, or "lost bread" because it is a great way to utilize stale--or lost--bread...but trust me, made with really good bread this is anything but lost. To see other versions of this with many more pictures f it being made, click here.

Urban Simplicity.
