Rain...photos and comments (about riding in it)

I took these photos just out my front door as I left for work today...droplets and small pools of rain rolling off two Brussels sprout plants in my front yard. It was raining pretty hard and it has rained all day; according to the weather forecast it is supposed to rain for the next four or five days. I've mentioned multiple times in the past that I have been car-lite for years and car-free for just a few months (six, to be exact). So hopping in a vehicle is no longer an option in foul weather. But so far I have not minded it (for short distances). If I arrive at work totally soaked there is a dryer in the basement where I can dry my clothes. And for longer trips I can use a car share or take a bus. And in certain instances, such as tomorrow morning when I will not want to be totally soaked when I sit in a pew at church, I'll actually bring a change of clothes in a plastic bag on the bike and change when I arrive (if necessary); I've done this before. I've also said in the past how when you are on bike or on foot it makes one more keenly aware of the weather; I still believe this to be true. It also makes me more appreciative of it...yes, I like "nice" weather like the next person but I also like all of her facets. And this is what I was thinking as I stood for a few moments in the pouring rain snapping these photos, just before I hopped on my bike and pedaled the short distance to work.

Urban Simplicity.
