Dans le jardin...

So I've mentioned on numerous occasions how fortunate I am to work in a place that is not only such an incredibly beautiful building, but also has such a lovely garden. And on some days--as a form of stress relief--I'll go out in the garden on my lunch break. It's interesting in that exactly one week ago today we were in the midst of the "blizzard of 2014'' and today it was 40f and lovely out. There was so much activity in the garden today--animals and plants--that I found it really inspiring. It also reminded me of this quote about Brother Lawrence...

"During that winter, upon seeing a tree stripped of its leaves and considering that, within a little time, the leaves would be renewed and, after that, the flowers and fruit appear; Brother Lawrence received a high view of the providence and power of God which has never since been effaced from his soul." 

Beautiful, right? Inspiring.  Anyhow, click any image for a larger view.

Urban Simplicity.
