A Walk in the Woods (a few photos and a few words)

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

So I went for a bike ride and then a walk in the woods yesterday. It was overcast mostly, and on-again off-again drizzle for the morning, but then it cleared. I've written in previous posts how Buffalo is fortunate enough to have two nature sanctuaries within it's city limits. The one pictured here is Times Beach Nature Preserve, which is the smaller of the two. During the summer months when Queen City Bicycle Ferry is in service it is so simple to get there (it cuts off about 6 miles of a bike ride in a two minute boat ride). Other than some sort of an unidentified insect crawling up the sleeve of my shirt and biting me 4 or 5 times, it was a really wonderful walk. I was amazed at the wildlife one can see a mere 4 miles from my front door. Anyhow, click any photo for a slightly larger view.

Urban Simplicity.
