
delays like the last time). I arrived early enough that I had time to walk around one evening, and it's difficult not to be drawn to stare at the St. Paul's Cathedral wh

When I arrived up the hill, and stood in awe of the building before me, I saw on a sign that evening mass was at 5:15. I looked at my watch and it was 5:00 on the dot. While I am not a Cat

It was beautiful. I felt like I was in Europe. And as I sat there, barely twenty minutes in the city, I wondered how I had arrived here, not just at the St. Paul Cathedral, but here in life.
On a different note: Similarly to my last visit to the twin cities, I was very impressed with their bike culture. At one point I saw this guy barreling down a hill on a Surly Big Dummy, and then come to a screeching halt at a red light right in front of me. I say to him, "how long have you had the big dummy," "it's my first ride he replies," how's it ride," I ask him back. With that, the light turns green, he gives me a big ear-to-ear grin and barrels off again. The bike looked pretty cool.
Surly's Big Dummy is one of three new all-in-one "long bikes" that are currently available. The other two are the Kona Ute, and the Mundo Yuba. I really see one of these cargo bikes in my near future.

Lastly, here's an easy vegetable fritatta recipe...makes a great breakfast, lunch, or dinner: Slice or chop some vegetables (I used onions, sweet peppers, hot peppers, cooked spinach, cooked potatoes, and tomatoes). Saute them in a hot skillet. Add some eggs. Top it with cheese, and bake it in a 400F preheated oven for 5 or ten minute. Quick, easy, nutritious...and delicious.