The Awsomeness of Utility Bikes
Just a mere 4 weeks ago the hitching post was unusable because it was literally buried under snow. You can see a photo of it in an earlier posting by clicking here.
Like many serious cyclists I have a I'm not talking about a mental problem (though that is debatable), I'm talking about my obsession with bikes...currently I own 7, which includes a small Chinese trike and a tandem. But the main three that I ride these days are the Mundo, the Mule (an old Trek I purchased at a flee market and's the one pictured in the heading of this blog), and a Dahon Vitesse D5 folder. All these bikes are so much fun to ride, especially the Mundo.
When you have fun bikes to ride it really is about the journey and not necessarily the destination. And when you can carry stuff on them...a lot of makes it even more fun, and also it gives you a sense of accomplishment (at least it does to me).
Sometimes I tend to take life too seriously; I tend to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. But I'll tell you this: when I'm on one of my bikes cruising through traffic while people are stuck in their metal boxes it makes me feel good. And when I feel the cold wind of winter on my face, and my fingers and toes get a little cold, I feel alive.
I really feel that if more people would ride bikes the world would be a better place (on many levels). Non-bikers act as if it is such a chore, but to me it is a pleasure...I get excited when I have to go somewhere and pedal, rather than simply sitting sedentary...being out in the elements is enthralling to me. And I really feel that if I can do it most people can. After all, I'm not a spring chicken...I'm closer to 50 than I am 40 but I still manage to ride year round, even in the harsh Buffalo winters.
Lately I've consciously been trying to shift from seriousness (about life) to gratefulness, and I've found that I'm grateful for many of them is my love of bikes and my appreciation for them. When I look at the above picture of the Yuba Mundo I don't simply see a bike. I see a mode of transportation; I see a machine to haul stuff; I see a tool for stress relief and physical exercise (because you will huff and puff when pedaling that thing), but I also see a work of's shape and lines are beautiful...and for that I am grateful.
And being grateful... being grateful, like biking, just feels SO darn good.
I was going to disagree about your comment how serious bicyclists often have a "problem" with accumulating bikes. I was going to say that I am 100% content with my 90s trek. I was going to be a little catty about it. And then I remembered the other two bikes...