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Things That Can Be Carried On A Bike (#17)
Pizza!...Good thing I had my bike that has payload capabilities of 440 lbs. (200 kg)...sort of like a bicycle version of going grocery shopping in a humvee, I suppose.
That is cool ! Must try that. Our Pizza guy cooks really thin pizzas though and the boxes are really wide. I am worried that the bungee rope will fold them in the middle. Must work something out...string ?
Joe said…
It was a little tricky from getting the pizza crushed...the bungees are pretty loose...just tight enough to hold the boxes in place.
Anonymous said…
Never tried Pizza yet, although it's probably only a matter of time. I did once shift a glass cooking dish of hot Lasagne though...
It was a little tricky from getting the pizza crushed...the bungees are pretty loose...just tight enough to hold the boxes in place.