Practical Pedal in Buffalo

In the event that you haven't come across it yet, there's an interesting and quirky little quarterly paper called The Practical Pedal, which as you may have guessed is about practical bicycling (Click here for their website). There's another paper devoted to urban cycling called Momentum (which is a little larger and has more content, click here for their website). I've often thought how great it would be to have print editions of either of these magazines in Western New York (the closest place I've been able to get Momentum is Toronto, and The Practical Pedal is nowhere near this area). At any rate I emailed both magazines (separately) suggesting they send me some and I would deliver and distribute them for free (by bike, of course). I've emailed back and forth with an editor from Momentum a few times...seems I need a commitment from the local community before they can send them (i.e. advertisement). Then I emailed Wiley over at The Practical Pedal...he emailed me back the next day saying, "sure, sounds great." He had a bundle (100 copies, I believe) sent via ground freight....that's them sitting on the Yuba. (If you're reading this Wiley you can see that the Yuba can handle many more bundles than one.) I'm planning on dropping them around town this weekend. My plan is to take them to places in Allentown and the Elmwood Village. If you're a Buffalonian reading this and have a specific drop off suggestion let me know.


Wiley said…
If I have any left over after getting the rest of the subscriptions out I'll definitely send more. Thanks a ton for helping out.