This is an inspiring story. For the past 26 years
Lan Yin "
Tsai has been biking 150 miles to benefit MS research...and she does it on an old single speed while wearing heels and a dress. With all my rants and raves about the
usefulness and importance of a bicycle, and by discourses on my aches and pains (being a middle aged guy on a bike), I have never ridden 150 miles at one time...she's been doing it for 26 years, and was 10 years older than I am now when she started!
"I always try to tell people, whatever you can do, keep doing it, keep doing it," she says. "And that's why I do MS. When I start something, I don't want to just quit." These words could be applied to many things in life, no doubt.
To read the entire story,
click here.
I love it. Lycra-free innocence.