Things That Grow Back

Yup, it's almost that time of year again...time to start planting vegetables. I look at it with both dread and anticipation...I enjoy doing it but anyone that plants a garden knows how much work it is, especially in the beginning. But one of the things that I enjoy about this time of year, the time when it's getting warm and sunny but you still haven't done any work in the garden, is to witness what grows back on it's own. Most things are regulars, but some are not, some are reseeded on their own (sometimes peppers, tomatoes, and sunflowers will do this), and some will just keep coming back if they're not picked (like onions and leeks). Anyhow, below are a few things that grew back; the photo above is the herb garden that grows back every year (chives, garlic, oregano, lavender, sage, rosemary) . To see posts from previous seasons with my gardens in various stages of grown (and overgrowth) click here, here, here, here, and here.

This is one of my favorite returns this year: Swiss Chard. Not sure how it returned, because it shouldn't have, but there it is growing next to a dandelion and some ever-invading lemon balm.

I grew four clusters of leeks last year but never pulled them entirely out of the ground, just cut them...this year their growing back bigger than last.

This is one of my favorites. A few years ago wind must have carried a seed from the herb garden and it landed on fertile ground in a crack in the sidewalk...I don't eat it because of it's location, but it's amazing and beautiful nonetheless.

Urban Simplicity.
