Mark Freeland on a Bike

For those readers not from the Western New York area (or in the event you've spent the last 3 decades living in a cultural cocoon), Mark Freeland was a local and influential artist and musician. The clip above is awesome, he's pedaling around Buffalo talking and offering his view of things...the world according to Mark.

And I couldn't post about Mark Freeland without an inclusion of him performing. Below is vintage...he's playing lead guitar with The Fems, one of the many bands he played in (and my personal favorite). Man could he play. He lives on not only in his art and music but also in the hearts of his many fans, myself included.

To visit a site maintained in his name, click here. I encourage you to watch the above clip first, and then the one below of him performing. But before you watch The Fems don't forget to turn up the volume...loud!
