Things That Can Be Carried On A Bike (#208)...with a link, a few comments, and another photo.
Sometimes (more often than not, actually) the only thing I carry on this bike is me. While it weighs in the upwards of 60 lbs. and is more then 6 ft. long I still find it the most comfortable and fun bike to ride (out of my 3 main bikes). Not only does it's upright position and big cushy ride make it super fun, but having the loading capacity capacity available (should I need it) makes it all the more worthwhile. I truly love being both the motor and the cargo (on any bike). I was thinking just that when I rode home tonight and saw the full moon (pictured below) literally stopped me in my tracks and I had to snap a picture of it while at an intersection. I stopped and looked at it for a while (something I wouldn't have been able to do if were in a car) and was in awe to think that people around the world (if it were night in their part of the world) could see the same moon that I was looking at. It made me feel small, and sometimes I think it is good for a person to really small. It keeps things in perspective for me.
On a different note, I thought I'd share this link to an article that was in the Buffalo News today (our local daily paper). It's titled, Boost body and mind with bicycling. It's a brief but good article promoting bicycling as a way of life and all the benefits that are naturally associated with it.
As I've stated in many previous posts, I ride for many of the obvious reasons, but the reason I ride for mostly is purely selfish...I ride because I really like it.
I think, I can understand you. When I ride my bike often I have the best ideas how to solve problems or just something I could do or try to do.
Seems to be the monotony in pedaling.
And since two weeks I experience what it means, to switch from a mundo to a "normal" bike. Since the fork of the Mundo is bent, I have to use me other bike, wich I used for over 8 years before. But now I feel how great it was, to have a cargo bike! Never think about what or whom you will want to transport the next minute. There is allways room on the Mundo!
Hopefully I will be able to fix the Mundo next weekend.
My older daughter would be really happy, because she is allmost to tall for the Charriot Corsair XL.