Things That Can Be Carried On A Bike (#214)...and a quick note.

A gym bag full of wet clothes, 3 pounds of apples, 4 pounds of dog food, and 2 slices of pizza.

My son was at his mom's house this evening and I was home alone for dinner (except for the pugs). After working a rather hectic day and not wanting to cook for myself I stopped for a couple slices pizza. It was such a beautiful late-summer (nearly fall) evening that I wanted to take advantage of it so I sat on my front porch and ate while I listened to National Public Radio. It was idyllic...big clouds in a blue sky, about 70F. After eating the pizza and an apple and drinking a glass of wine, I poured another glass and shut off the radio to take it in. I wanted to be able to remember this weather 3 months from now when we will be in the darkest days of winter.


Joe said…
Thanks Jeff, purchased it at a flea market some years ago and it's still my favorite...and it only gets AM radio.