Chilly Evening Ride on the Mundo
This past week I have been so focused on upgrading the Mule and getting it in shape for the winter that I have not ridden the Mundo. After work I had a few errands to run and then later this evening I had an appointment to keep...all of which I did while riding the Mundo. I believe that because I have been riding the Mundo all summer, and that it has become somewhat of my "everyday bike" whether I'm carrying anything or not, I may have been taking it for granted a bit...and switching bikes for a week or so has helped me realize this. I had forgotten what a smooth ride it was...and how long and heavy it is. But mostly I forgot how good it felt to ride this bike; how comfortable it is. I am not a big guy, but for such a big bike it feels like a perfect fit. On my way home from this evening it was chilly--the first time this season I actually wore gloves--and it felt good to be on this bike. I pedaled, coasted, and at one point where there was an incline, I stood on the pedals and coasted through traffic. There was not a different way I would have chosen to transport myself home this evening. What a wonderful fall evening.