Heinz Stücke

Photo found here.

I've had a link to Heinz Stücke's website in the sidebar for quite a while but recently paid a visit to his newly revamped site and thought I'd comment a bit about it and encourage you to take a look (click here). If you are not familiar with the man he is somewhat of a bicycling legend. He hopped on a bicycle to see some of the world in 1962 and has not stopped yet; he is seventy years young. Amazing! And I'm trying to get the time and courage to ride the Erie Canal, then to NYC...a mere 500 miles. This guy has probably been doing that distance every couple of weeks for almost 50 years. To go to his webpage, click here. To read about him on Wikipedia, click here. To read what others have to say, click here.


Max said…
I think one of the other notable things about Stücke's touring life (other than the years and distance he's been at it) is that he spends a good amount of time in all of the different places he visits. And he's made alot of friends, too.

I have a good amount of experience touring, and while mileage is a great achievement, I wish I had stopped more. I know I will in the future.

If you're not familiar with it, check out www.crazyguyonabike.com

definitely a good wintertime escape/dream spot.

Happy holidays, Joe.

Joe said…
Max, Thanks for your comments. As intriguing as his life sounds I can't help but wonder if it's not a tad bit lonely...probably the reason he stays in a place for a while. And yes I have been to crazyguy...great forum. Happy holidays to you as well.