How To Simply Live
The title of this post is a question not a statement, and I pose it mostly to myself. It could easily be rearranged to say How to Live Simply and have the same meaning. To live simply and to simply live are one-in-the-same in my opinion...and I'm still trying to figure out how to do this. I go through phases where I don't think about it that often but I've been currently pondering it again. Because to me--in the spead up techo-world in which we currently reside--this is very difficult at be in the world but not of it (and I often think of this Bible passage). Anyhow I recently read this pdf document titled The Art of Living Simply (click here to download it). I believe it is a synopsis of the book, Voluntary Simplicity, by Duane Elgin...and if you've never read the book and are interested in living simply I highly recommend it. Sometimes I really think that I complicate things in my life that do not need to be complicated; it's in my nature. I'm trying to learn to just be. Anyhow, I found the document interesting and inspiring and thought I'd pass it along...below is the opening paragraph.
Simple Living is “living in a way that is outwardly simple and inwardly rich. This way of life embraces frugality of consumption, a strong sense of environmental urgency, and a desire to return to living and working environments which are of a more human scale.” (Duane S. Elgin and Arnold Mitchell)
She also edited the "More With Less" cookbook that has been updated several times.