Pug in Your Face
I've posted pictures of my pugs before but I thought I'd share these (who couldn't love those flat-faced bulging-eyed faces). That's Maxwell above and the bottom three are Franklin. All these little guys want is my love (and they have it). I can have the crappiest day at work and come home to their unconditional affection and it changes things. Today when I came home I sat on the floor and let them jump all over me. And as they wilded around and on me I snapped a few photos. They are afraid of the camera but every few seconds they would slow down long enough for me to get a close up of them. Anyhow, here's a few.
A bit of fact with a humorous twist...Moonlight is infinately more appreciative and forgiving than my (much loved) Wife,want an example? If I locked boh in the basement over the weekend with food and water,which one do you think would be happy just to see me come Monday? :p
The Disabled Cyclist
german Shepherd Puppies For Sale