[cellphone selfie] and a few words.
About a year ago I purchased face-masks when doing home repairs as not to inhale 100-year-old plaster. I didn’t like wearing them then and I don’t now. But I am not doing home repairs at present, I am simply going to the store for necessities.
There are now new rules for daily living.
At the store I was not the only one covering my face, nor was I the only one purchasing vitamins and also truly excited to see a shelf of toilet paper. Upon my obvious excitement the clerk who was stocking the shelf said, “Better grab it now, it’s going fast.”
Different things matter now.
One of the many things I enjoy about photography is capturing people’s images, not in a studio but in everyday life. Real life. It shows their vulnerability. Ironically, I rarely allow my own photo to be captured as I am much more comfortable behind the lens than in front of it. But as I was leaving the house I caught my reflection in a mirror and it stopped me. The ridiculousness of it. But here I am in all of my vulnerability. It is now more than ever that we need to look inside and remember who we are. Each of us are individual rays of light emanating from the same Sun.
Each one of us is filled with the same light.
When I watch or read the news I am anxious, scared, and horrified. But at the same time hopeful because I can already see people coming together. We are in isolation but at the same time in community. We need each other.
Everyone is connected to each other and from the same Source.
It is said that it will get worse before it gets better, and this is what I fear (what I believe we all fear). As I type these words I am healthy but work in a high risk environment. I’ll take precautions and hope I do not become ill, and if I do pray for survival. Because despite the seeming chaos and struggles in life there is so much beauty. We will make it through this, though it may be difficult. We are on the cusp of something new, something on the other side of this. It is waiting for us. And I want to be part of it.
In the midst of darkness there is still light, still hope. Now more than ever we need to remember who we are, to remember what is written on each of our hearts.