Journal Entry, 19 November 2022
Journal Entry, 19 November 2022
I woke this morning under a pile of blankets to muffled sounds and knew that we had gotten more snow.
Going downstairs the two old pugs were curled into a yin/yang position so I lit the stove to warm the room.
After turning on the coffee pot and while the dogs ate, I went out the back door in boots and bathrobe to shovel a short path for the them to “do their business.” But still, I had to go out and rescue Franklin who is blind and could not find his way back up the stairs.
While having coffee and listening to the crackle of a young fire the song, Country Trash by Johnny Cash, looped in my head. But it was reworked: “Got a potbelly stove and a cord of wood, [Joe] turns the left-overs into [something good], I'm doing alright [in my hood].
And then it occurred to me that it is only November. There’s a couple feet of snow outside (three times that in the suburbs) and it is still autumn; there’s a month before winter actually begins.