A Few Buildings

One of the (many) things I enjoy is walking around cities and looking at the architecture...and this is true for my own city as well...I rarely tire of it. For being a small city, Buffalo has an impressive history with equally impressive architecture...these photos are just a smattering of it (I could fill pages). Anyhow, a couple of these I took just the other day, and a few I came across on my hard drive so I thought I'd share. From top to bottom they are as follows:

Westminster Church
The Buckingham Building
The Theater of Youth
The Wilcox Mansion
A large Tudor house (now a business)
Businesses on the Elmwood Strip
City Hall
A Friends Meeting House (now a residence)

Click any image for a larger view.


Urban Simplicity.


Mari McNeil said…
So illustrative and gorgeous. Like paintings.
Debor said…
Buffalo has some exquisite buildings - you just have to take the time to notice them.
Joe said…
Thanks Mari!

Debor...agreed! And you don't have to look to hard.