Planet Walker
I came across an article on John Francis today and was intrigued...and still am. I had never heard of this inspirational person. In 1971, after a collision of two oil tankers under the Golden Gate bridge which resulted in a disastrous oil spill, he decided not to ride in motorized vehicles...and he didn't for 22 years. A few years later, after feeling he wasn't listening enough, and that what he had to say wasn't important enough, he voluntarily stopped talking...for 17 years. All the while walking across the continent (and elsewhere) and obtaining degrees. Anyhow, I found this below video (of him speaking) inspirational and thought I'd share. It's 19 minutes long, which is a longer video than I usually post on this blog, but I found it interesting...I hope you do as well (he also wrote a couple books that seem interesting as well).
Urban Simplicity.
Urban Simplicity.