Things That Can be Carried on a Bike (#406)...and a quick comment

On the bike...A canvas bag containing a book and an extra camera, 3 liters of red wine, a gym bag containing wet clothes, and two slices of spinach pizza.

A quick comment...I had mentioned yesterday regarding the wacky weather and how it was supposed to warm up today, well it did...and did it ever. I believe the high temp today was something like 62F/17C. As I pedaled and coasted home from the gym tonight it felt like a balmy summer's eve...OK maybe not balmy, but it certainly was warm and nice; the air felt warm on my skin as I coasted home. And on my way home I couldn't help think how wonderful it was to be on a bike and in the open air. After leaving the gym I stopped at three stores, and the entire trip--including the gym--was about (I'm guessing) 3 miles/4.8 kilometers. And as I coasted down my favorite hill (very minor likely wouldn't even notice it if in a car), which is the last stretch before I approach my street, I had the full moon on my left (pictured above and below) and Jupiter and Venus to my right (for pictures click here). I really felt like continuing on for a warm evening ride...but alas, I had some things to tend to. And besides...I had to eat the pizza and drink some wine.

To see more in the things-on-a-bike series, click here.

Urban Simplicity.
