La Tomate
Beautiful isn't it. It is--or at least was--as big as my fist. I ate most of it for dinner as an tomato and raw onion sandwich on whole wheat bread slathered with mayonnaise and doused with a liberal amount of cracked black pepper. It was, as I ate it, still warm from the sun. Delicious. I've always enjoyed growing my own tomatoes, but this one in particular seems especially special to me because, as I've stated in an earlier post, I've had a difficult time with "blossom end rot" this year. But this is a sign, I think, that the plants are overcoming it (with a little help from me). I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Anyhow, if you want to learn a bit of history, lore, and a few recipes involving tomatoes, here's a link to an article I wrote for Artvoice a couple years ago.
Urban Simplicity.