Playing with Light (in the cold)
A few weeks ago I finally purchased my first dslr camera. It's used but still in great shape and takes really good photos (the evidence is in front of you). When I was younger I was really into 35mm cameras (specifically this one). I would take road trips specifically to take photos. Then, as I got a bit older and accumulated responsibilities and started to take things a bit too seriously, photography was one of my hobbies (art forms) that gradually got pushed aside. Though in recent years--with the advent of the digital camera, but more importantly when I decided to start taking care of myself again--I've rekindled my love of viewing the world through a camera lens. But until recently I've only used point-and-shoot cameras, which I still use and love. Then recently I purchased the used dslr--which is the digital equivalent of a 35mm, I believe--and a whole world has opened up to me. Anyhow, and to cut to the chase, I went out for a cold walk with my camera and tripod to take some night shots and play with the light/shutter settings...the result are these photos. It's interesting, I think, how warm the colors are but how cold it is outside (25F/3.8C)...sort of like looking through night vision goggles. Anyhow, I thought I'd share a few of them.
Urban Simplicity.