Death By Advertising
This interesting but short video was made in collaboration with and Micah M. White (from Adbusters). I find it interesting and it does make sense to me, but at the same time I find it somewhat ironic that it seems to be a sort of anti-advertisement (or a hidden advertisement) for their websites. But anyhow, I do agree with what it says. And yes, I feel that I do pollute myself (or allow myself to be polluted) by overt and subversive advertisement and also just everyday "mind junk" (which, I think, is the equivalent of junk food we eat). I also believe that there is great power in what we think and we, in fact, become what we think. And if this is true, then mind junk cannot be good. To read the book they cite by Émile Zola, click here. I hope you watch this short film.
Urban Simplicity.
Urban Simplicity.