Five Photos of the Hudson River (taken from a moving train)
These photos dispel a few things. One is that New York State is entirely occupied by New York City. I know that people don't actually believe this (well ok, some may), but often when you mention you are from another part of the state (Buffalo, for example) to someone who is not from the northeast, NYC comes to mind. NY State, is in fact an incredibly beautiful state. This of course is just a minor sampling. I took these on a train ride home this morning as we sped up the Hudson Valley. The other thing these photos dispel is that you cannot take good photos with an inexpensive point-and-shoot camera (and from a moving train). While it does push the limits of such a camera, it can be done. I was only in NYC overnight and wanted to pack light so I brought only a camera that would fit in my breast pocket. At any rate, you've probably gathered by now that the train is my favorite way to travel long distance. But locally, it is a bike, of course :)
Urban Simplicity.