Things That Can be Carried on a Bike (#466)...and a very brief comment
On the bike...boxes of food (quiche, dinner rolls, muffins, etc.) on it's way to a local food pantry.
So okay, I generally love the snow, I really do. But (always a but), this is going on a bit too long this year. If you are reading this from the same area of the world in which I reside (the northeastern US) you likely remember last winter were it--for all intense purposes--failed to snow the entire winter. Now this winter just keeps going. Notice the white diagonal streaks in the photo...those are tiny sharp little hail balls (really tough on the face and eyes while riding), which of course was the precursor to a brief lake effect snow. Nonetheless, I did enjoy it (I like the challenge of riding in it; the sense of accomplishment of using my own power to get myself and other stuff from point A to point B). It'll be summer be for we know it...
Urban Simplicity.
Salt Lake City, UT