Where I'm at...
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“Oh no I've said too much; I
haven't said enough...”
~Michael Stipe, Losing My Religion
This is a bit of personal stuff but I
feel like I have to say it. There are a few people that know me that
read this blog, and a number that I feel like I know—to a certain
extent—simply via correspondence. And there are still many more
that I don't know but am grateful that they visit this humble page.
So for those that know me this is not
new information, but to some it may come as a surprise (or maybe not)
that after a lifetime of facing a stove I have—at midlife—decided
to go to seminary. And over the past year or so I have understandably
been asked questions that seem—at times—a bit awkward,
uncomfortable, and even confusing (to me anyway).
It has taken me many years to fully
accept and ultimately embrace my somewhat idiosyncratic INFJ personality type. And in doing so one of the things that I've learned
about myself is that words—words that I actually mean, not those
that often simply spill out of my mouth—usually come much easier
when I write them than when I speak them aloud. So for this reason,
and after some deliberation, I thought I'd answer a few questions
that been asked of me when I mention that I am attending seminary.
So here goes...
Are you going be a pastor or lead a
Um, no. This question is one that I am
most sure of the answer...no, likely not. That's not why I am doing
this. And honestly, I don't believe this is the type of seminary that
trains clergy to lead churches, at least not in the traditional
What type of seminary is it?
It is a part-time interfaith seminary
located in NYC. Though I am registered as a distant learner I attend
as many classes as possible in person (which was about 80% for my
first year). Here is the website to the school; here is their mission statement.
Then why are you doing this? Are you
planning on leaving the food service industry?
Ahhh...the million dollar question. To
be honest, I am not entirely sure why I am doing this. But it truly
is something that I feel called to do, and it feels right. And no, I
am not planning on leaving the food service industry (I enjoy it too
much and I enjoy my job). This is not instead of what I do, it is in
addition to what I currently do.
What will you do once
Again, I'm not entirely sure. But I do
know that I want to feed people. And I'm not exactly sure what I mean
by this either (but I do know that it will work itself out). This may
take the form of working in a food pantry, delivering food to the
needy on my bike, or teaching disadvantaged youths how to cook for
future job skills.
So this is an interfaith seminary
and you will be an interfaith minister, what does that mean? I know
that you were raised a Christian, are you still a Christian?
The word Christian and the very name
Jesus seem carry so much baggage today, but if I had to answer this
question in a single word I would without hesitation say yes. If I
could answer this with a sentence or two it would be this: Yes, I am
a Christian in that I try to follow the teachings of Jesus of
Nazareth the best I can (which I usually fail miserably), but I would
have to deny this if it meant to take the Bible as the infallible
word of God and the resurrection as a literal event. The Bible, to
me, is a sacred text, but I believe it is to be taken almost entirely
as metaphor, and I am fully aware that it is a book written by men
and for men. (Please do not send me hate mail or try to “save”
If I had to sum up in just a few words
what it means to me to be a Christian it would be this: love,
justice, peace, community, and inclusion. And this seems to be the
same message of all the major religions. In fact, what drew me most
to this particular school is that it is an interfaith school. They
believe, as I do, that there is but One Source for us all.
Christianity is just one of the ways, not the only way. My faith has
also been deeply influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sufism. This
said, I am an ordained deacon and an active member within a Christian
church (Pilgrim-St. Luke's/El Nuevo Camino UCC).
So, can you tell me again why you
are doing this and what you will eventually do?
Again, I'm not entirely sure. But I do
know that I am in the right place—spiritually and mentally—and
that this feels like the natural path which I should be taking right
now. I have a vague plan of continuing on to a degree in food studies
and spirituality. After all, what is more spiritual than feeding
people? I'll keep you posted...
“The kingdom of the father is
spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
The Gospel of Thomas, saying 113
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Urban Simplicity.
What can I say but "to your own self be true".
I hope that you continue your excellent blog, it must be cathartic to you and I hope to buy you that beer soon.
Best wishes,
Salis et Lux
Mark B