a. A view or vista.
b. A mental view or outlook
This blog, in a way, has always been a sort of emotional medicine for me in the public arena. In what I write but also in the photos I post. Like many, I suppose, I have been a worrier since I was a child. Not so much lately but still I do. I know it's silly, but I still succumb to it. The usual things, but mostly time and money. But when I consciously think about it (and the key word here is think) I know that I have everything I need. Both things--time and money--I really believe, are illusions. While I do not have much at all monetarily, I am wealthy in so many other ways. And when I think about it (again the key word is think) I realize that I am blessed in so many ways. But some days it is so difficult to remember this (I know you are nodding your head in agreement as you read this). The key, I also believe, is thought. The power of thought is so incredible. I personally have experienced this over the years. Two people can look at the same circumstance in completely different ways; to one it may be an obstacle and the other an opportunity. If, for example, I consciously think positive thoughts, most often there is a positive outcome by changing my own reality. This said, I utilize both my camera(s) and bike(s) to help with this. Riding a bike is so simple and makes me feel good to have the wind on my face (even in adverse weather) and to use my own body as energy for propulsion. And when I look through a camera it makes me really look at things, and when I do I remember how beautiful everyday scenes are, scenes and things that I may otherwise pass by without giving much thought. These things help me remember that my problems are not real problems at all; it puts things into view; into perspective.
I took these photos while running errands tonight on my bike; all of them were taken in Delaware Park here in Buffalo. The above photos are of the same view of Hoyt Lake taken 60 minute apart (7:45pm and 8:45pm), and the below two photos were taken in the rose garden just before sunset. Click any for a larger view.
Finally, brothers and
sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything
is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8