One of Four plus One...
Okay. So it's time again for a bit of self-promotion (sorry). These photos are part of a five-photo series that will be hanging in the College Street Art Gallery through the month of February. The above photo (which was taken here) is one in the series Greenwich Village at Night; the below photo (which was taken here) is also part of the series but didn't make the cut, hence the "one of four plus one." But I still like it so thought I'd offer it here. Anyhow, the gallery is also part of First Friday's Allentown and the opening is this Friday (2.7.14), so if you happen to be in the 716 please feel free to stop by. If you need a map of directions follow this link. And also, if you are ever questioning whether photos on this blog are for sale, yes they are. These and others that hang in the gallery have to be purchased through the gallery owner, but any others can be purchased directly through me; contact me and we can make arrangements (there is an email link in the upper left sidebar). Anyhow, hope to see you this Friday.
Urban Simplicity