Things that can be carried on a bike (#611), a quick note, and a few other things...

On the bike...a case of red wine and about $25 in groceries. The photo directly below is something I saw while riding...sparrows flying in the first of the season's snow. And the broccoli pictured is growing in what remains of my front-yard garden. Also I just wanted to mention that I will be away from my computer for a few days so I likely will not post again until Tuesday or so. Hopefully you will still be here when I return, thanks for sticking with me and my idiosyncrasies. Until the, peace.

Urban Simplicity.


Anonymous said…
You seem to drink an awful lot of wine- do you drink beer or hard liquor?
Joe was wise to pick up a case of wine - look at the weather in Buffalo today!

(We have much less snow here in Montréal right now).

I'm sorry to hear that several people were killed. :-(
Anonymous said…
I don't think anyone was "killed" during this act of nature. Unfortunatley, they became victims of a storm. Mother nature did not premeditate murder. Truly unfortunate.
Joe George said…
Maria..yes, my month's supply of wine. It's cheaper to buy it by the case ;)

And yes, also, this has turned into a killer storm. I was a teenager during the "blizzard of 77" and I'm pretty sure this has claimed more lives. Thank you for your concern.
Joe George said…
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Joe George said…
Anonymous (wink wink)...why not use a profile. Google--and many other accounts--are free and easy to sign up. This is a safe place, and it makes things so much more interesting.