Glimpses of Wakefulness...

Glimpses of Wakefulness

Like so many others
I often go through life
in a slumber
Taking so much
for granted
Living in the past
or the future
Which of course
do not really exist
There is only now
Such was the case today
Alone in the kitchen
busy at work
Alone in my thoughts
Asleep but not sleeping
But as the kitchen door closed
behind me
and as I gave the first push
of the pedals on my bike
the cold air snapped me awake
into the present
It's briskness engulfed me
It felt good
And as I pedaled
and coasted
through the quiet city streets
I remembered
that I was alive
Right now
in this very moment
I stopped at a labyrinth
which I often pass
but rarely walk
But on this evening
I walked it
It was already dark
but there was light left in the sky
And as I approached the center
I stopped
and I turned
and I looked up
Trees swayed
Large fluffy snowflakes fell
And instinctively
like a little kid
I stuck out my tongue
to catch the snowflakes
and I did
also on my eyelashes
And I could hear it
the snow
the flakes
as they fell
And for a moment
just a very brief moment
the veil was lifted
slightly and ever so briefly
And I was awake
Then I got on my bike
and rode home
thinking about tomorrow
and yesterday
But now is where I want to be
It's all we have

Urban Simplicity.
