A yellow chair and two perspectives...

Just a yellow chair. I didn't notice it at first, there were so many around me. Some occupied and some not. I was sitting and having coffee in Herald Square today. An afternoon respite. But the reason I noticed this particular chair was because of two men. Well the first one actually. As I was sitting enjoying my coffee outside on an unseasonably warm winter afternoon, a man--an angry man--came rushing through the square. And rather than traverse all of the tables and chairs he quite literally plowed through a few of them, knocking over two chairs. One--the one pictured above--fell in a path. Then, just a minute or so later a man and women came walking by. And before passing the young man stopped, picked up the chair and positioned it back at a table. As he did he said to his companion, "Someone could trip over this lying there," and then they carried on. My point is this...two men had contact with this chair but had two drastically different attitudes. And attitude--I am finding out--is everything. Life is a mirror...if I view life in a positive manner, generally good and positive things come to me in my life. I'm not saying it is easy, or that I am able to do it always, but when I do I notice a difference. Our thoughts truly do shape our lives. To quote the late Dr. Wayne Dyer (and so many other New Thought teachers), "Change your thoughts and change your life." I'm jus' sayin'...

Urban Simplicity.


DanT said…
Very true.

As a young man, I was angry, impatient and always in a hurry: and not happy.

As a 64 year old, I am seldom angry, in a hurry and I live in the moment: and content.

Joe George said…
Agreed Dan. Thanks :)