A Letter to the Universe
Photos taken at Buffalo's Outer Harbor and Times Beach Nature Preserve
Some days I don't see you
Or feel you
Though I know you are there
I in you
You in me
In everything
But sometimes I forget
Fall asleep
With eyes wide open
So I have to ask you
Plead with you
To show yourself
But it's not necessary
Because you are always there
All I have to do is look
Wake up
But still I plead
And you respond
I see you in people
In their faces
Their eyes, mostly
And their laughter
Their kindness
But today
When you showed yourself
It was in nature
Just outside the city
On the edge
Where most things lie
I saw you as the reeds bent
In the breeze
Your gentle caress
The coolness on my skin
And smell of the fresh water
And the sound of the birds
So many birds
Like a symphony
There are a thousand names for you
Some call you God
But on this day
I call you Beauty