It's all about the light...

"Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”
~ George Eastman

So today was my day off. Sort of. I had off of work (in the traditional sense) but I had tons to do, including work for school, which I've recently enrolled. Anyhow, as a de-stresser I thought I'd head to the waterfront on this first day of autumn and have a few beers and take a few photos. I've been to this location more times to count, and you've seen many of the photos. So tonight I did something different, in a way. I've been fascinated with sunset photos for quite some the light changes and how you can manipulate the light with the camera settings (I'm in love with long exposure). Anyhow, I set my camera on a tripod at sunset, focused it, and took the same shot every ten minutes for an hour. When it became too dark, I put the camera away, ordered another beer, and just watched the boats pass in the night. And that was the true de-stresser :) Click any photo for a slightly larger view.

Urban Simplicity.
