Fifty Six Autumns...

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
~Albert Camus

Fifty Six Autumns.

That’s how many I’ve seen. Of course I don’t remember them all, especially the earliest ones. But it was on this day fifty six years ago that I came into the world, whether I wanted to or not. If I am to believe the mystics (and I do) it was my choice to enter into this particular life...this time, my family, the circumstances that make up my life. All of it. And it’s interesting to think how at the turn of a new year—which for many can be an introspective time—we do it collectively. Though a birthday, which for me is also introspective, is done at a personal level, or usually with just a few. At a new year many people make resolutions, myself included, and most are unsustainable. I also do this at birthdays, but rather than calling them resolutions, which sounds so formal, I refer to them as goals. While still rather lofty, they seem more attainable. But if I stumble, that’s okay, too. I’ll begin again, that’s all I can do. And that is actually my first goal for this next birthday go easy on myself; cut myself some slack. Here’s a few others that come to mind, in no particular order…

Attend church regularly.
Meditate daily (if even for just a few minutes).
Pray often (be grateful and in the moment).
Blog, journal, and write more.
Facebook less.
Do more push-ups.
Practice simple yoga (stretch!)
Reduce expenses.
Care more.
Do more art.

I could go on, but this is a good start. It’s a fluid list. If I do all or at least some of these things even somewhat regularly I truly believe that I will continue to grow and be a better person, which will naturally lead to being of greater service in this world. Thank you for letting me be part of yours. Now to get started...
