This is Bill, or Muhammad, and His Beautiful Dog...
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
As I exited the subway station today after work today I saw Bill and his dog crossing the street. I thought I knew most eccentrics in the neighborhood but had never seen him before. Both of them--he and his dog--walked in a graceful manner as they crossed the street. So as I approached them I asked if I could take their photo, to which he replied a matter of factly, "Sure, why not?" When asked his name he told me it was "Bill or Muhammad," whichever I preferred. He used them both but not at the same time. He told me his dog's name but it really long and one I cannot remember. I asked if he were Muslim, and he said, yes and that it saved his life about 20 years ago. I also asked him about the iPhone hanging around his neck...the camera was open and facing outward (see below), I could see myself as I spoke to him. "Oh that," he replied, "I just like the world to reflect back on people." We talked for a few more minutes and then we parted. But before we did, I commented that a lot of people must say that he looks like Abraham Lincoln. He responded plainly, "It must be the hat."