Here's Winking At You (two pug pics)

Okay, so I never thought I would be one of those people. You know the type...posting pictures of their dogs or cats in various poses all over the Internet. But every once in a while I feel the need to share a couple of my two pugs because they bring such joy into my life (and they really make me laugh). I've shared this info before, but the above pug is Franklin and below is Maxwell. They are brothers from the same parents but different litters. Maxwell is a year older and was given to my son as a gift from the breeder, and I purchased Franklin so Maxwell would have a companion after my beloved Jack had to be put down; and it's for this reason Maxwell thinks he is priceless. And it is interesting how different their personalities are. Maxwell is super smart, serious, the protector of the house, and super loyal to two son and myself; he's interested in no one else (look at that look of devotion). Franklin, on the other hand, is happy-go-lucky can I say this lightly...well, um, not-so-smart. But what he lacks in smartness he makes up for in affection...all he wants out of life--besides being fed-- is to be pet and cuddled, and by anyone and everyone. The above picture cracks me up every time I look at it. I was playing around with a camera, taking a few random shots, when he stood on his hind legs with his paws on my knees (I was sitting), so I took a few closeups of him. And in the above image (I didn't realize this at the time)--for whatever reason--he blinked just one eye...winking at me. And he did this just as I pressed the shutter. Comical. Anyhow, I felt like sharing this.

Urban Simplicity.
